Quality vs Quantity

Dec 02

For me quality of life is much more important than quantity. It is the same for my Dad. I wonder what makes some people want quantity regardless of quality? It sort of made me think of that case in Florida a few years ago. If anyone is reading this – what would you choose? Quality? Quantity?

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Not so good

Dec 02

This past week we confirmed that my Dad’s disease has changed in to Acute Leukemia. There are treatments for this, however, they only provide quantity of life not quality of life. My Dad has always been an active person and really isn’t interested in prolonging his life if it just means laying in bed in pain for feeling sick from the treatments. I...

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Long Day

Nov 22

Yesterday we left the house at 8am to go to the doctor for a blood test to see if my Dad needed blood. After getting the blood work we sat in the doctor’s office for about 2 hours waiting for the results. He did need blood and platelets so we head to the hospital next door arriving there around 11:30. Since his platelets have to be HLA typed now so that he...

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Nov 21

Just about two years ago my mother died. In her last two weeks it was very hard. One day when I was talking to my daughter I told her that my mother was dying. She said, no she’s not, “she’s living, everyday that she is here she is living, she’s not dying.” It didn’t strike me until later how wise she was. Even when there is just a...

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Sometimes life just punches you in the face

Sep 14

It has been a while since I have written. That’s because I got punched in the face in the figurative sense last month. My father has been feeling bad for quite some time. His doctor ran some additional blood work and thought that he had Leukemia so she ordered a bone marrow biopsy. I flew out for that and it was extremely painful for him – it took them...

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