Missing my Mother
Nov 28

This Thanksgiving week I missed my mother more than usual. I know what “kicked” it off. My daughter, Lindsay went to Disney World with her Dad and his family. She sent me a text message from Epcot “I am eating in Mimi’s Italian restaurant in Epcot”. Suddenly my eyes filled with tears at a long ago memory…….
My mother had always wanted to go to Disney World. In 2005, we organized a trip to Disney and booked reservations for my Mom and Dad in an adjoining room at the Grand Floridian. It is probably the most spectacular hotel at Disney with a perfect view of Cinderella’s Castle across the lake and the fireworks every night. My mother had MS and road in a three-wheeled cart. She had a lot of phobias so getting to and from the parks at Disney was a challenge. She loved the hotel and sitting around the pool while we were off riding rides. She really wanted to go to Epcot and see the parade and fireworks but she didn’t want to ride the monorail. So I decided to book a limo to drive us over to the park and wait outside just in case she might need to leave in a hurry. This reassured her and we were off for an evening with my Dad, just the three of us. I had made reservations at the restaurant in Italy and we made our way there. While we were waiting for our dinner and the fireworks she had a “sinking spell”. That’s what she called it when she started to feel bad, weak or have to go to the bathroom. She almost talked us in to leaving but she started to feel a little better just before the fireworks started. She watched the fireworks with the awe of a little child. I enjoyed them more that night than I had any other time I had seem them. After the fireworks we made our way back to the limo. On our way back to the hotel she turned to me and said, “You are my fairy godmother.” It was a moment I will never forget as long as I live. So Lindsay reminding me of the restaurant took me back to that moment in time and made me nostalgic for my mother. Cooking the Thanksgiving meal just added to the feeling of missing her.
I noticed a number of people I follow on Twitter complaining that there mother was driving them nuts. I remember visits with my mother where she would be driving me nuts after 24 hours. Oh how I wish I could have her drive me crazy again just for a day or two. We seldom truly appreciate our parents while they are alive and then its too late.
My mother could really get under my skin but she was a wonderful mother who loved me without end. She was a great cook and entertainer and I learned by watching her. Every time I have a party or cook an elaborate meal I silently thank her for everything she taught me. Sometimes I laugh. My father called her Pearl Mesta – the precursor to Martha Stewart. There were no cooking shows other than Julia Child when she learned to cook. She learned by doing and by reading cook books. She had 100’s of them. I used to call her for advise every Thanksgiving. I missed her more than ever this Thanksgiving.
Thank you Mama for all the love and for everything you taught me. You were a wonderful mother.
Hey Karen,
Thanks for the kind words. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I seem to remember that you were living in Nashville. Is that correct? I often think how fun it would be to have a reunion with the McDonald’s and the Hine’s out at the old farm. Those were wonderful memories. Have a happy new year!